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Staint Mary's Mai Tai drink recipe

Staint Mary's Mai Tai drink recipe made with Cherry,Orange juice,Vodka, . How to make a Staint Mary's Mai Tai with all the instructions and ingredients.
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Ingredients to use:
1 Cherry Cherry
20 Orange juice Orange juice
18 Vodka Vodka
Take the marishino cherries and soak them in vodka b/f hand. Take the orange juice ( or sunny delight it works better) and mix it w/ the remaining vodka. take the juice from the cherries and mix in also. Then put in the cherries after they soak. This way after eveyone drinks the Mai Tai there are cherries left that are filled w/ voka!!!!!! Hell Yeah !!! The Fun in this can be Tying the streams w/ you tongue (very challanging for drunks)
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