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Mr. K's Twisted Sister Love Tonic drink recipe

Mr. K's Twisted Sister Love Tonic drink recipe made with Banana Liqueur,Beer,Celery Salt,Beef Bouillion,Butter, . How to make a Mr. K's Twisted Sister Love Tonic with all the instructions and ingredients.
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Ingredients to use:
3 Banana Liqueur Banana Liqueur
1 Beer Beer
2 Celery Salt Celery Salt
3 Beef Bouillion Beef Bouillion
6 Butter Butter
First, eat one of the beef bouillion cubes, leaving two. Then, melt the butter and pour into a mixture of the grain alcohol and beer. For a special twist, let your friend sneeze into the drink at this and only at this point. Mix the beer with the banana liqueur and combine with the grain/beer/butter mixture. Drink, Puke, Diarrhea, and Enjoy!
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