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Moosh's Apple Pie Shot drink recipe

Moosh's Apple Pie Shot drink recipe made with Cinnamon,Cinnamon Schnapps,Cream,Vodka, . How to make a Moosh's Apple Pie Shot with all the instructions and ingredients.
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Ingredients to use:
1 Cinnamon Cinnamon
1 Cinnamon Schnapps Cinnamon Schnapps
1.5 Cream Cream
1 Vodka Vodka
1. the "drinker" leans their head back while the "baker" prepares the ingredients 2. first the baker pours a shot of vodka in the drinker's mouth 3. the drinker gargles the vodka whilst someone pours in the goldschlager 4. next the baker tops off the mouth with whipped cream and a sprinkling of cinnamon 5. the drinker swishes the drink in the mouth until well mixed. 6. the drinker swallows I first learned about this drink from Chris Mooshian at American University. John Mclean
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