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Meriah Marble drink recipe

Meriah Marble drink recipe made with Beer,Lemon juice,Salt, . How to make a Meriah Marble with all the instructions and ingredients.
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Ingredients to use:
1 Beer Beer
5 Lemon juice Lemon juice
0.5 Salt Salt
you will need 2 separate mixtures. 1st mix the strawberry frozen base with blue Curacao,raspberry liqueur, and a 1/2 shot of rum. Then blend with ice until slushy. Then mix a banana frozen base (not a real banana) with peach schnapps and the other 1/2 shot of rum. Blend with ice until slushy. Lastly, pour both mixtures in side by side at the same time into a round glass and swirl with a straw to get a marble look. This drink recently one a competition on a cruise in the bahamas.
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