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Jellybunny's Bastard drink recipe

Jellybunny's Bastard drink recipe made with Beer,Lemonade,Southern Comfort, . How to make a Jellybunny's Bastard with all the instructions and ingredients.
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Ingredients to use:
0.5 Beer Beer
0.5 Lemonade Lemonade
2 Southern Comfort Southern Comfort
Get half a pint of Worthington's (or some other smooth bitter, possibly Caffrey's) and mix with the lemonade to make a shandy. Take 2 shot sized slurps and pour in the Southern Comfort. It's a sweet tasting bastard of a drink, as you don't realise how wasted you're getting. PS To stop your shandy having a head the size of an elephant, get the 1/2 pint of bitter in a pint glass. Take another pint glass and proceed to pour the bitter back and forth from one glass to the other. Please note! Do this before adding the other ingredients! Repeat several times. This removes the gas from the bitter and stops it frothing up when you add the lemonade!
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