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Drunk Story drink recipe

Drunk Story drink recipe made with Beer,Jack Daniels, . How to make a Drunk Story with all the instructions and ingredients.
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Ingredients to use:
6 Beer Beer
1 Jack Daniels Jack Daniels
first, be bet that you can't drink a whole 6 pack for $5. win that bet. second, be get that betted that you can't drink another 6 pack for $20. win that bet too. third, act insane and retarded for an hour, tell a cop to fuck himself, run away, lose cop by jumping off of O.B. pier, miraculously find your way back to your friend's house (missing half your clothes) and demand your $25 because you need it to make a run for the border. then get dared to drink an entire fifth of jack daniels to prove that you are a man. once victorious steal a third 6 pack and make a run towards mexico. get found the next morning (by your friends) in an alley with 5 empty beer bottles and the 6th mysteriously missing. after you sleep for about 22 hours, wake up and ask "where the fuck am i? what the fuck just happened?". then deny that you are an alcoholic and refuse to go to A.A. meetings. mutter something vague about the stupid serenity shop by your old house in serra mesa and refuse to believe anything you are told about that night that you can't remember. now thats a Unknown.
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