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Clear Shake drink recipe

Clear Shake drink recipe made with Cola,Cream,Grain Alcohol, . How to make a Clear Shake with all the instructions and ingredients.
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Ingredients to use:
1 Cola Cola
5 Cream Cream
1 Grain Alcohol Grain Alcohol
best results using a pilsner glass (because it's tall. combine 1 shot (oz) everclear with 5 oz (+/-) cream, then ad as much flavored soda as you can (i like cherry pepsi) to the glass, expect a fizzy rootbeer float effect, and have a spoon handy to stir with. pour slowly. after it's fizzed up lots, stir it all together until the fizz goes down, then add a little more soda. drink up, you won't be able to fit the entire can of soda in it, so as the drink goes down pour the remains into the glass. very smooth drink, very fizzy.
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