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Black and Blue Who Who  Recipe

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Black and Blue Who Who Recipe

Rating: No Votes yet.
Ingredients: 0.5 oz Blue Curacao
1.0 splash Cola
1.0 oz half and half Cream
0.5 oz Chambord
Directions: Pour ingredients into a shaker with ice cubes. Shake well. Strain into a shot glass, and serve.
We hope you found the above information on how to make a Black and Blue Who Who helpful.
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LAZ-E-SUZ™ puts a new spin on patio dining by elevating the many condiments,so often necessary when barbecuing, 7" above the table surface, out of the way yet easy to reach.The 15" elevated tray revolves around the pole of a standard umbrella, and the base takes up only 4"of valuable table space. It will add more serving and table room for an uncluttered arrangement,so desirable for elegant dining. Great for outdoor patio bars. Shipped in 3 pieces, plate, shank, and stand,seen below.
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