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Armendariz Mix drink recipe

Armendariz Mix drink recipe made with Beer,Lime,Salt,Tequila, . How to make a Armendariz Mix with all the instructions and ingredients.
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Ingredients to use:
12 Beer Beer
4 Lime Lime
1 Salt Salt
4 Tequila Tequila
This is a Mexican Game that can be played with as many people as you wanna. 1.) you get 4 beers of coronas line them up. 2.) cut a lime in 4 pic, sqweez a few drops of lime into each of the 4 coronas. 3.) add a pinch of salt to each of 4 coronas. 4.) pour a little corona out from each of the 4 coronas ,then pour a shot of tequila (casadores) into each of the 4 coronas. 5.) whith another bottle of corona hit the top of the corona that has everything mixed and drink faaassstttt! Or you can alway put your thum on top of the corona, tip the corona upside down and once you flip it back, drink fffaaasssttttttttt!!!!!! the point is, you gotta drink all 4 beers befor or in 2 min. who ever wins gets to play another person ect..... HOPE YOU'LL INJOY
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