New Years Drinks

Dragonball drink recipe

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Dragonball drink recipe made with Cinnamon Schnapps,Drambuie,. How to make a Dragonball with all the instructions and ingredients.
Recipe Rating: 3.6 stars based on 22 votes
Ingredients to use:
1ozCinnamon Schnapps Cinnamon Schnapps
1ozDrambuie Drambuie
This is a shot.

Put the drambui and the cinnamon schnapps in a cognac glass and put some drink that you can flame. Light it and put your hand on top of the glass and the glass should stick to your hand. Shake it and drink.

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What our users have to say about Dragonball recipe:

Dragon ball master said on 2011-09-05 11:28:04.293
The new dragon ball shot
The new shot has an allmost equal handling, only the ingredients are now Absinth, goldstrike and sambuca in a cognac glass. Light it and put your hand over the top of the glass and the glass should also stick to your hand. Shake it and drink it with a strawl. Than, suck up the gas inside the glass afterwards !!!!

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