New Years Drinks

Screaming Blue Mother Fucker drink recipe

Screaming Blue Mother Fucker  recipe
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Screaming Blue Mother Fucker drink recipe made with Blue Curacao,Gin,Rum,Tequila,Vodka,. How to make a Screaming Blue Mother Fucker with all the instructions and ingredients.
Recipe Rating: 4.5 stars based on 136 votes
Ingredients to use:
2shotsBlue Curacao Blue Curacao
2shotsGin Gin
2shotsRum Rum
2shotsTequila Tequila
2shotsVodka Vodka
Pour the alcohol and curacoa into a pitcher. Fill the pitcher the rest of the way with the soda. Add some cherries, limes, lemons, and enjoy. It is hard to taste the alcohol but it packs a kick.
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What our users have to say about Screaming Blue Mother Fucker recipe:

talina said on 2010-05-19 14:07:05.840
i loved this drink the first time my friend and i was in lil rock ark, so evevry where i go i ask do you serve a bluematherfucker. i go to this certain club just to get this drink

teresa said on 2014-12-31 22:21:39.820
single drink
how much would one use if you were making an single drink

Andre said on 2017-12-18 22:34:29.760
What kinda soda?
What kinda soda? Also, what's the proportions for a single serving?

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