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Yucca Lemonade drink recipe

Yucca Lemonade drink recipe made with Ice,Lemon,Lime,Sugar,Vodka, . How to make a Yucca Lemonade with all the instructions and ingredients.
Recipe Rating: 2.1 stars based on 97 votes
Ingredients to use:
5 Ice Ice
3 Lemon Lemon
3 Lime Lime
2 Sugar Sugar
0.5 Vodka Vodka
Slice lemons and limes into wedges and squeeze the juice into a large glass jar with a lid. alternate layers of lemons, limes, sugar, and ice until jar is filled. Pour as much vodka in as possible and seal the jar. Wrap in towel and shake for 45 minutes. Enjoy. Add any remaining vodka when space allows, shaking it a minute before serving. Don't forget to layer the lemon and lime wedges.
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