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Unicorn's Milk drink recipe

Unicorn's Milk drink recipe made with Coffee Liqueur,Frangelico,Milk,Rum, . How to make a Unicorn's Milk with all the instructions and ingredients.
Recipe Rating: 3.0 stars based on 10 votes
Ingredients to use:
1 Coffee Liqueur Coffee Liqueur
1 Frangelico Frangelico
8 Milk Milk
1 Rum Rum
Mix alcohol ingredients in a glass. Fill remainder with milk and stir. Use a large glass for truly the most gentle and gracious among drinks, a smaller glass for the rummier version. Either way, this is a soft flannel blanket of a drink--sweet, easy on the stomach, and good warm or cold. A note for those mixing drinks for a prospective mate: it is surprising how much rum can be put into this recipe without changing the flavour or causing the drink to taste too much of alcohol. Bonne chance!
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