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Ultra Jungle Juice drink recipe

Ultra Jungle Juice drink recipe made with Banana,Cranberry juice,Grain Alcohol,Orange juice,Pineapple Juice, . How to make a Ultra Jungle Juice with all the instructions and ingredients.
Recipe Rating: 2.9 stars based on 7 votes
Ingredients to use:
2 Banana Banana
0.5 Cranberry juice Cranberry juice
0.25 Grain Alcohol Grain Alcohol
0.5 Orange juice Orange juice
0.5 Pineapple Juice Pineapple Juice
You will also need a whole seedless watermelon. Hollow out watermelon. Kept half of the watermelon a place to the side. Use a blender to mix 1 cup watermelon and all the above juice together. Pour mixture into watermelon. Top with banana and lime slices. (additional juices and watermelon may be needed to fill watermelon) Mix in everclear depending on how long you want the party to last. Enjoy and please drink responsibly
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