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Trinidad Rum Shaker drink recipe

Trinidad Rum Shaker drink recipe made with Ice,Lime,Rum,Sugar, . How to make a Trinidad Rum Shaker with all the instructions and ingredients.
Recipe Rating: 5.0 stars based on 8 votes
Ingredients to use:
4 Ice Ice
2 Lime Lime
3 Rum Rum
1 Sugar Sugar
The ingredients are interchangeable, depending on how you prefer your shots. Just always make sure the shaker is 4 parts ice, the rest you can change around, depending on if you want your shot sweet, limey, or strong. The right mix goes down like heaven, but be careful, it will bite you in the ass. The best rum to use is Fernandes Black Label Rum, a Trinidadian rum. I have actually never used any other rum, but I will advise against spiced rum.
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