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Thestumblehomer drink recipe

Thestumblehomer drink recipe made with Cinnamon,Grand Marnier,Milk,Sambuca, . How to make a Thestumblehomer with all the instructions and ingredients.
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Ingredients to use:
1 Cinnamon Cinnamon
0.5 Grand Marnier Grand Marnier
2 Milk Milk
1 Sambuca Sambuca
If done properly, this is spectacular! First, dim the lights. Pour the Sambuca in a Martini glass, and pour in a splash of grand marnier. Now light the mixture on fire. When flame covers the surface, sprinkle cinnamon onto the flame. Now pour in just enough milk to put out the fire. The milk will cool the drink so you don't burn your mouth. Just don't let it burn too long! Moultz
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