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The Siberian Mouth Fuck drink recipe

The Siberian Mouth Fuck drink recipe made with Eggs,Strawberries,Tabasco,Yogurt,Beef Bouillion, . How to make a The Siberian Mouth Fuck with all the instructions and ingredients.
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Ingredients to use:
1 Eggs Eggs
5 Strawberries Strawberries
5 Tabasco Tabasco
1 Yogurt Yogurt
3 Beef Bouillion Beef Bouillion
Blend strawberrys, egg whites and beef boullion cubes with a rack of ice till it is a slurry. Add tabasco, I use 5 tablespoons but I don't have a timid mouth. Than add the yogurt, it just tastes better if you add the yogurt last and make sure to use plain yogurt blend again briefly. Put it into a big bowl and add a lot of everclear (a couple fifths if you got em), mix thoughoghly and add about 2 racks of ice. It sounds wierd but tastes great and lasts all evening at a party. (Just don't tell anybody whats in it.) You can also make it to scale for one person, but I tend to only make this for parties. Have fun and watch your guests go crazy.
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