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The Real Brain Hemerage drink recipe

The Real Brain Hemerage drink recipe made with Butterscotch Schnapps,Grenadine,Irish Cream, . How to make a The Real Brain Hemerage with all the instructions and ingredients.
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Ingredients to use:
0.5 Butterscotch Schnapps Butterscotch Schnapps
1 Grenadine Grenadine
0.25 Irish Cream Irish Cream
pour 1/2oz CLEAR butterscotch schnapps into a shot glass take a regular spoon and hover the eating side upside down over the schnapps in the shot glass and gently pour on the 1/4oz. irish cream (its thicker than the schnapps so it wont mix if its poured on gently) then turn the spoon upright and fill the spoon with grenadine drop the grenadine into the shot and then take and enjoy the shot... good stuff, candy, and it looks weird but tastes great, great shot to get people to take shots haha
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