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The Conroy drink recipe

The Conroy drink recipe made with Grain Alcohol,Orange juice, . How to make a The Conroy with all the instructions and ingredients.
Recipe Rating: 5.0 stars based on 4 votes
Ingredients to use:
2 Grain Alcohol Grain Alcohol
7 Orange juice Orange juice
For chemistry in a bottle, take a 10 ounce plastic bottle of OJ, preferably from concentrate, and drink about 3 ounces. Add 2 ounces of grain alcohol (preferably everclear), cap, shake, uncap to release the pressure, cap again and chill. DO NOT fill to the top of the bottle and shake because an exothermic reaction occurs that will probably make the bottle explode if there isn't enough room for expansion. It has all the charming characterisics of a woman who can beat you at arm wrestling, so drink it fast, drink it hard, and pray for your soul. The Conroy is gonna get you.
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