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Summer Berry Sangria drink recipe

Summer Berry Sangria drink recipe made with Orange,Strawberries,White Wine,Grape Juice,Raspberries, . How to make a Summer Berry Sangria with all the instructions and ingredients.
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Ingredients to use:
0.25 Orange Orange
0.25 Strawberries Strawberries
750 White Wine White Wine
12 Grape Juice Grape Juice
0.25 Raspberries Raspberries
pour out wine into a large pitcher. pour in white grape juice (10-15oz depending how sweet you want it), 1/3 cup strawberries, 1/4 cup raspberries, 1/4 cup blackberries, 1/4 blueberries and optional sugar to taste. let sit at least 12 hours for flavors to mix together (ideally you should wait 24-48 hours). when you check on the wine, it should be a light pink-y color and smell sweet. you can check on it and let sit longer or shorter to taste. pour into sugar rimmed wine glasses and garnish with fresh strawberries. you can also add sprite or something else bubbly & slightly sweet.
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