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Seven Drunken Pirates drink recipe

Seven Drunken Pirates drink recipe made with Gin,Jack Daniels,Southern Comfort,Tequila,Vodka, . How to make a Seven Drunken Pirates with all the instructions and ingredients.
Recipe Rating: 2.2 stars based on 101 votes
Ingredients to use:
4 Gin Gin
4 Jack Daniels Jack Daniels
4 Southern Comfort Southern Comfort
4 Tequila Tequila
4 Vodka Vodka
mix all in shaker along with 4 additionaly ounces of 151 Proof rum. Use ice if you are weaker than a sneaker. Pour into 7 shot glasses. You will need seven of your saltiest pirate see dog maties, and you sing this before you drink it. "Sail away where no ball or chain can keep us from the roaring waves, together undivided, but forever we'll be free Sail away aboard our rig, the moon is full and so are we Seven Drunken Pirates, We're the seven deadly sins" Annihilate drink accordingly after 5 or 6 of these, the song gets amazing.
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