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Samuel De Champlain drink recipe

Samuel De Champlain drink recipe made with Ginger Ale,Ice,Lime,Maple syrup,Rye/Whiskey, . How to make a Samuel De Champlain with all the instructions and ingredients.
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Ingredients to use:
1 Ginger Ale Ginger Ale
1 Ice Ice
1 Lime Lime
1 Maple syrup Maple syrup
2.5 Rye/Whiskey Rye/Whiskey
1. Place the mint leaves and 1 tbsp. of maple syrup in the glass, then squish it all around with a spoon for 20-30 seconds, until you can smell that good minty smell. 3. Cut the lime in half, getting rid of the seeds as well as you can. Squeeze the juice out from both halves into the glass, then drop one half into the glass. 4. Pour in the whisky and stir. 5. Add the crushed ice, then top off the mixture with ginger ale. Garnish with a sprig of mint and enjoy! Vive la Canada!
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