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Sailor Shot drink recipe

Sailor Shot drink recipe made with Lemon,Salt,Tequila, . How to make a Sailor Shot with all the instructions and ingredients.
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Ingredients to use:
1 Lemon Lemon
1 Salt Salt
2 Tequila Tequila
This is a variation on the classic tequilla shot for those with muchos cahones. Fill one shot glass with tequilla. Take a second shot glass and turn it up-side-down. Fill the divot on the bottom of the second glass with tequilla. Now, lick the salt, snort the divot full of tequilla up your nose, shoot the shot, and suck the lemon. This will send a split second of pain through one side of your head, right before it goes numb. This drink is great if you are low on booze and want ot get seriously trashed. If you want to be captain, do two in a row alternating nostrills. Everyone will give you a funny look when you tell them you are going to do this shot and will tell you that you are crazy when you actually do it. Try to get others to do it too.
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