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Rum And Coke 2.0 drink recipe

Rum And Coke 2.0 drink recipe made with Cognac,Lemon,Root Beer, . How to make a Rum And Coke 2.0 with all the instructions and ingredients.
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Ingredients to use:
2 Cognac Cognac
1 Lemon Lemon
4 Root Beer Root Beer
If you enjoy a Rum&Coke from time to time, but want to elevate it from the dark realms of college frat parties, here's how: First, in a little town known as Dublin (Texas, not Ireland) there is a Dr. Pepper bottling plant. Here is the last place on earth where you can still find Dr. Pepper untainted by the plastic taste that comes from the innner coating of aluminum cans and the bland flatness of "high fructose corn syrup." For in Dublin, Dr. Pepper comes in glass bottles, and more importantly, it is made with Imperial Pure Cane Sugar. This is critical. Now, open your bottle, but let it set for 10 to 15 needs to breathe. The high concentration of carbon dioxide dissolved in the drink produces some carbonic acid. Let the carbonation dissipate just a little, and the bitterness dissipates enough that you can taste the difference cane sugar makes. Now, pour into your well chilled High Ball glass 4 oz. of this rare soft drink, and add 2 oz. of your favorite cognac. Then drip the juice of one lemon slice and stir gently. (If you really want to get crazy, try a lime instead.) Happy mixing.
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