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Rub-A-Dub In A Tub Punch drink recipe

Rub-A-Dub In A Tub Punch drink recipe made with Grain Alcohol,Ice,Sugar,Water,Kool-Aid, . How to make a Rub-A-Dub In A Tub Punch with all the instructions and ingredients.
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Ingredients to use:
1.5 Grain Alcohol Grain Alcohol
1 Ice Ice
4 Sugar Sugar
10 Water Water
5 Kool-Aid Kool-Aid
This is a great drink for house parties. First, thouroughly clean a bathtub with bleach (get rid of anything that may have been left by previous bathers). Then fill your bath half way with luke warm water. Mix in the 5 packs of kool-aid and four cups of sugar. Now, empty a bottle and a half of Everclear grain alcohol (you can also use vodka but you have to use about 3 times as much and it ends up being super expensive). Mix everything with your arm. Add a lot of ice and there you have; the sketchiest drink the TMR stupidshitters have ever brewed. Get plastic cups, throw 'em in the tub and get the party sarted.
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