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Rotar's Tea drink recipe

Rotar's Tea drink recipe made with Club Soda,Sugar,Tea,Vodka, . How to make a Rotar's Tea with all the instructions and ingredients.
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Ingredients to use:
3 Club Soda Club Soda
1 Sugar Sugar
8 Tea Tea
2 Vodka Vodka
**NOTE**This drink will really fuck you up** 1.Pour some really strongly brewed tea in a glass( we recomend liptons lemon flovor) 2.Add the vodka, either the 2.0 oz or enough to accomodate tolerence levels. 3. add the club soda. 4. Add the sugar, the more sugar you add the better it will taste so add a grip,approx 4.0 oz, for those of you who like to get drunk. 5. garnish with lemon slices, it also helps to coat the rim of the glass with sugar.
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