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Rocky Mountain Oyster Aka Prarrie Oyster drink recipe

Rocky Mountain Oyster Aka Prarrie Oyster drink recipe made with Eggs,Lime juice,Tabasco,Vodka,Tomato Juice, . How to make a Rocky Mountain Oyster Aka Prarrie Oyster with all the instructions and ingredients.
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Ingredients to use:
1 Eggs Eggs
1 Lime juice Lime juice
0.5 Tabasco Tabasco
2 Vodka Vodka
3 Tomato Juice Tomato Juice
Mix the liquid ingredients together. Add a dash of liquid smoke, drop the egg yolk taking care not to break it. Now heres the fun part, if you can drink the drink without the egg yolk breaking in you mouth or throat (or throwing up), it will absorb some of the acetone produced by oxydation of the booze, which mean drink one of these before partying and you will not(hopefully) have a hangover. I however must add that this is one of the most disgusting drinks ever, and i have only had a few hangovers bad enough to justify it.
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