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Racingmop drink recipe

Racingmop drink recipe made with Tequila,Vodka,Red Bull, . How to make a Racingmop with all the instructions and ingredients.
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Ingredients to use:
1.5 Tequila Tequila
2 Vodka Vodka
2 Red Bull Red Bull
This is a three part drink. The goal is to get you racing and the knock you out. First take a 2.0 Oz of an Energy Drink (either Red Bull, Dark Dog or Sobe Adrenaline Rush) and mix it with 2.0 Oz of Vodka (Skyy or Grey Goose reccomended). I call these Skyy Racers. They need to be drank in 1 shot, then make another Skyy racer and think that. By now, your heart will be pumping. Now, you do a tequila body shot with whipped cream instead of salt. The drink is intended to be drank entirely (all 3 parts) in about 60 seconds. It will be enough to get you racing all night but you will creash HARD in a few hours.
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