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Quack Quack drink recipe

Quack Quack drink recipe made with Cointreau,Licor 43 liqueur, . How to make a Quack Quack with all the instructions and ingredients.
Recipe Rating: 5.0 stars based on 12 votes
Ingredients to use:
1 Cointreau Cointreau
1 Licor 43 liqueur Licor 43 liqueur
Put in a glass that you can cover the top with your hand. put the shots in the glass, put hand on top of glass and shake for about 15 seconds. Take a lighter and tip glass toward lighter, light. when the flame reaches the liquid put hand on top of glass. glass should suction to your hand and you can shake it for another 15 seconds with it stuck to your hand. take hand off and drink. put hand back on top. then stick lips inside glass and inhale. enjoy
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