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Purple Elephant drink recipe

Purple Elephant drink recipe made with Butterscotch Schnapps,Popsicles, . How to make a Purple Elephant with all the instructions and ingredients.
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Ingredients to use:
3 Butterscotch Schnapps Butterscotch Schnapps
3 Popsicles Popsicles
Pour alcohol of choice (I like something sweet cuz it kinda soaks into the popsicle and is like heaven), into shot glasses. Dip popsicles in and suck/eat and enjoy! And after you finish the popsicle, be sure to down your shot of alcohol... it tastes fantastic with the popsicle juice all melted into it... mmmm... The origin of Purple Elephants go as such: Kylie and Rita were watching porn once and decided that the male organ, when erect, look like the trunk of an elephant... and because of all the veins, a purple elephant. Then, at 4am, they were eating grape popsicles and taking shots of whatever alcohol was available, and this Purple Elephants were born! Email Kylie and tell her what you think at Enjoy!!! and btw, purple elephants are copyrighted, so if you steal them you die.
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