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Poopie Dog drink recipe

Poopie Dog drink recipe made with Eggs,Ginger Ale,Rye/Whiskey,Root Beer,Apple, . How to make a Poopie Dog with all the instructions and ingredients.
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Ingredients to use:
1 Eggs Eggs
2 Ginger Ale Ginger Ale
3 Rye/Whiskey Rye/Whiskey
1 Root Beer Root Beer
1 Apple Apple
cut up some apples (apple cut in 8 pieces) put apple into cup, pour all alcohol into cup, break egg, put egg into drink remember, no yolk in the drink (YUCK! if you do get some in) pour in gingerale and rootbeet, mix it up and drink it, then eat the apple pieces, or reuse the pieces and when your really drunk eat them. Yum yum!
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