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Ooh I Think They Like Me! drink recipe

Ooh I Think They Like Me! drink recipe made with Cranberry juice,Melon liqueur,Peach Schnapps,Pineapple,Vodka, . How to make a Ooh I Think They Like Me! with all the instructions and ingredients.
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Ingredients to use:
1 Cranberry juice Cranberry juice
0.75 Melon liqueur Melon liqueur
0.75 Peach Schnapps Peach Schnapps
1 Pineapple Pineapple
0.75 Vodka Vodka
Method Shake and Strain (Shooter)- Ice in the tin and pour Absolut Raspberri, Melon Liqueur (Midori), Peach Schnapps, Splash Cran, Splash White Grape, Splash Pineapple, and Grenadine to color. Add just enough grenadine to make the drink red. To much can make the drink to sweet. Now toast everyone with this shooter and let them know "Ooh i think they like me!" From: Josh and Ben @ On5th!
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