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One Hot Fuck drink recipe

One Hot Fuck drink recipe made with Cinnamon Schnapps,Grain Alcohol, . How to make a One Hot Fuck with all the instructions and ingredients.
Recipe Rating: 5.0 stars based on 1 votes
Ingredients to use:
0.5 Cinnamon Schnapps Cinnamon Schnapps
0.5 Grain Alcohol Grain Alcohol
Pour in half shot of everclear and half shot hot damn in a shot glass. Light it, and Lick your hand and cover the top of the glass quickly. It won't burn you, but it will create a suction on your hand . Hold your hand tight and shake the drink up. Take your hand off, shoot the drink and cover it again. Swallow as best you can, and then move your hand just enough to suck the alcohol fumes out of the glass. Get Ready to have your world rocked!
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