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Nikolovska drink recipe

Nikolovska drink recipe made with Coffee,Lemon,Sugar,Vodka, . How to make a Nikolovska with all the instructions and ingredients.
Recipe Rating: 3.1 stars based on 8 votes
Ingredients to use:
1 Coffee Coffee
1 Lemon Lemon
1 Sugar Sugar
1 Vodka Vodka
Slice the Lemon into half-moon slices. Mix ground coffee and sugar in 50/50 proportion in a sugar bowl. Mix well. Pour a shot of ice cold vodka. Spoon the coffee/sugar mix onto the lemon, then put the whole slice in your mouth and chew. Immediately drink the shot of vodka in one hit and swallow EVERYTHING. As bad as it sounds, once you try this you'll never drink vodka any other way.
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