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Methodical drink recipe

Methodical drink recipe made with Amaretto,Cranberry juice,Orange juice,Rum,Rum, . How to make a Methodical with all the instructions and ingredients.
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Ingredients to use:
0.5 Amaretto Amaretto
0.5 Cranberry juice Cranberry juice
0.5 Orange juice Orange juice
1 Rum Rum
0.5 Rum Rum
This should be made in a highball glass or something similar. This drink is simply built. Over ice, pour 1/2 oz. malibu rum, 1/2 ounce dark rum, 1/2 oz. amaretto. 1/2 fill the rest of the glass with OJ, fill the rest of the glass (leaving enough room on top for the 151) with Cranberry juice. Float the 151 for a hidden kicker. :) This drink goes over real well for non-drinkers, and it's pretty damn potent too.
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