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Mark's Basement drink recipe

Mark's Basement drink recipe made with Banana Liqueur,Blackberry Liqueur,Ice,Pineapple,Vodka, . How to make a Mark's Basement with all the instructions and ingredients.
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Ingredients to use:
99 Banana Liqueur Banana Liqueur
1 Blackberry Liqueur Blackberry Liqueur
1 Ice Ice
2 Pineapple Pineapple
1 Vodka Vodka
this is funky...its a margarita but then it isn't...put your ice in blender....add 2 slices of cut and cored pineapple and a cut and cored kiwiw...fill 1/2 way up with cran mango...add some strawberry daquiri mix...add vodka, blackhaus, and 99 bananas in equal parts...the idea is its still experimental....great for private coed. parties where everyone isn't too familiar...make it heavy to get more familiar! keep it light to just chill...blend the mofo and serve with some umbrellas...if it works you will taste all the fruit flavors over the 99 bananas...if you want it more alcoholic then it will taste like 99 bananas a lot...good luck
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