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Liquid Cigarette drink recipe

Liquid Cigarette drink recipe made with Cinnamon Schnapps,Rum,Jagermeister, . How to make a Liquid Cigarette with all the instructions and ingredients.
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Ingredients to use:
1 Cinnamon Schnapps Cinnamon Schnapps
0.25 Rum Rum
1 Jagermeister Jagermeister
add ingredients to a 2oz shot glass or equivalent in the following order (and do your best a keep the liquors in layers, not mixed together): first: jagermeister second: goldschlager last: bacardi 151 light top on fire. when satisfied with the spectacle you've created extinguish and kick it back. good luck, this drink is mostly for show. i've never met anyone who liked the way it's tastes.=)
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