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Hot-Tub In The Snow drink recipe

Hot-Tub In The Snow drink recipe made with Chocolate Mix,Ice Cream,Rumplemintz, . How to make a Hot-Tub In The Snow with all the instructions and ingredients.
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Ingredients to use:
2 Chocolate Mix Chocolate Mix
1 Ice Cream Ice Cream
4 Rumplemintz Rumplemintz
This is intended to a 2 person serving. Pour 4 oz of Rumple into one glass, light on fire, transfer lit rupmle from one glass to the other to warm up glasses and for show. After glasses are warm ensure there are an equal amount of rumple in each glass (2 oz.). Now scoop a 1/2 scoop of vanilla ice cream into each glass. The fire from the rumple will melt the ice cream creating a froth...immediatly add the hot coacoa (already prepared)......only a FRIDAY's bartender could have thouht of this
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