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High-Class Harry drink recipe

High-Class Harry drink recipe made with Cinnamon,Nutmeg,Rum,Sugar Syrup,Vermouth, . How to make a High-Class Harry with all the instructions and ingredients.
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Ingredients to use:
0.25 Cinnamon Cinnamon
0.25 Nutmeg Nutmeg
4 Rum Rum
1 Sugar Syrup Sugar Syrup
1 Vermouth Vermouth
This is a refined version of "oddball harry" which I just now submitted. In a hurry, or at a party the original recipe is probobly best, but will yeild unpleasent clumps of spice, and will result in taste seperation betwene what is sweet and what is bitter. But if you have time for your guests try this alternate recipe: In a saucepan, mix spice and an appropriate amount of tropical fruit punch (one with more citrus is best, do not use artificial punch like hi-c, and avoid banana) let simmer for more than one hour not allowing it to boil. Maintain an appropriate amount determined by yeild by suplementing juice as needed. Plan to yeild 8oz servings. After allowing spice to settle and cool for an additional hour or more, decant away spice, filter paper would work fine as well a decanter, if you know how to use one. Insuring that spice does not contaminate drink, mix rum and vermouth at this point, but take caution to avoid over-sweetening. Just prior to serving, stir, add crushed ice, sugar syrup [again using caution], 8-oz of the thus-far mixture and combine well in a shaker. Serve either strained in chilled glass or on ice, but keep drink cold at all times.
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