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Hidden Ass Whipper drink recipe

Hidden Ass Whipper drink recipe made with Apple Juice,Apple Schnapps,Grain Alcohol,Peach Schnapps,Jagermeister, . How to make a Hidden Ass Whipper with all the instructions and ingredients.
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Ingredients to use:
3 Apple Juice Apple Juice
2 Apple Schnapps Apple Schnapps
2.5 Grain Alcohol Grain Alcohol
2 Peach Schnapps Peach Schnapps
2.5 Jagermeister Jagermeister
add non alcoholic mixtures (apple juice, and strawberry juice) then add the grain alcohol. mix well then let sit for a minute or so. Then add half of your jager, mix again, the put in apple schnapps and peach schnapps and then the rest of the jager, don't mix the schnopps or the rest of the jager, and drink it down fast, it goes down awesome, but hits you bad
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