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Headshot Shooter drink recipe

Headshot Shooter drink recipe made with Green Chartreuse,Sambuca, . How to make a Headshot Shooter with all the instructions and ingredients.
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Ingredients to use:
0.25 Green Chartreuse Green Chartreuse
0.75 Sambuca Sambuca
In a large shot glass, add the Black Sambuca to about half centimeter from the top of the glass. Layer the Green Chartreuse on the top. Hold a pint glass over the drink and light with a lighter. Drink shooter through a straw and the flames. When fumes from flame have been caught in the pint glass breathe in the fumes through the straw. It may help to have someone else hold the pint glass and hold their hand over the pint glass when the fumes have been caught. This is a VERY potent drink...enjoy!!
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