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Gackaliscous drink recipe

Gackaliscous drink recipe made with Ice,Melon liqueur,Orange juice,Vodka,Cranberry Liqueur, . How to make a Gackaliscous with all the instructions and ingredients.
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Ingredients to use:
0 Ice Ice
0.5 Melon liqueur Melon liqueur
12 Orange juice Orange juice
1.5 Vodka Vodka
0.5 Cranberry Liqueur Cranberry Liqueur
Take a 16 oz. glass, and fill with as much ice as you like. I generally fill it half way. Add 1 1/2 oz (one shot) vodka. Add enough melon liqour to turn the color green (about 1/2 oz.). Fill about 3/4 of the glass with OJ. Then add enough cranberry juice to turn the drink to a nasty brown-orange color. Stir and enjoy. Looks nasty, but tastes great. As far as I can tell this is an original drink so try a new taste sensation.
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