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Don's Recipe For Disaster drink recipe

Don's Recipe For Disaster drink recipe made with Lemon Lime Soda,Cola,Jack Daniels,Rum,Scotch, . How to make a Don's Recipe For Disaster with all the instructions and ingredients.
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Ingredients to use:
0.5 Lemon Lime Soda Lemon Lime Soda
0.5 Cola Cola
1 Jack Daniels Jack Daniels
3 Rum Rum
1 Scotch Scotch
Pour the coke in first. Then, add rum, scotch, and jack to the coke. Add Sprite or alternatively Mountain Dew to the mixture, stir it briskly, and drink it. Best way is to drink it all down in one gulp. "Shot" means whatever your unit of measurement for these drinks is, just make it the same quantity for scotch and whiskey, and multiply times 3 for the rum. You could also use 2 shots whiskey or scotch and leave out the other one.
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