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Dirty Cowboy Or Dirty Cowgirl drink recipe

Dirty Cowboy Or Dirty Cowgirl drink recipe made with Butterscotch Schnapps,Irish Cream, . How to make a Dirty Cowboy Or Dirty Cowgirl with all the instructions and ingredients.
Recipe Rating: 5.0 stars based on 6 votes
Ingredients to use:
0.75 Butterscotch Schnapps Butterscotch Schnapps
0.25 Irish Cream Irish Cream
This drink is very alcocolic. If you are not a very experienced drinker or have never had a shotty before, please drink a chaser (which could be water, milk, or a soda), as this will stop you from throwing or spitting it out. It may burn while going down but that is the schnapps. So don't stress. Now it is pretty simple to make so "Happy Drinking".
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