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Curdle Hurtle drink recipe

Curdle Hurtle drink recipe made with Gin,Irish Cream,Lime juice,Orange juice, . How to make a Curdle Hurtle with all the instructions and ingredients.
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Ingredients to use:
1 Gin Gin
1 Irish Cream Irish Cream
0.5 Lime juice Lime juice
1 Orange juice Orange juice
-NOTE- is used wisely will note make you throw up. First Mix Gin and Orange Juice, Shake up. Then add Irish Cream. Interaction between the Cream the acids in the orange juice and lime juice, the Irish Cream wil start to curdle, thus the first part of the name, then add the lime juice and chug as fast as u can. Caution the feeling as you swallow it will not be the most pleasant. But it tastes excellent.
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