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Creature From The Black Lagoon drink recipe

Creature From The Black Lagoon drink recipe made with Chocolate Mix,Chocolate Syrup,Milk, . How to make a Creature From The Black Lagoon with all the instructions and ingredients.
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Ingredients to use:
5 Chocolate Mix Chocolate Mix
3 Chocolate Syrup Chocolate Syrup
7 Milk Milk
Fill about 1 inch of the bottom of a tall (8 oz. or more) glass with powdered chocolate mix (Ovaltine is recommended!). Next, carefully cover that with a layer of chocolate syrup (Hersheys, probably), trying not to mix, just layer on top. Now comes the fun part: Pour the milk carefully on top, perhaps over a spoon. You can use more milk, but 7 oz. at least. Now, if everything was done right, the air trapped in the powder will rise through the syrup to the surface, sometimes in a HUGE bubble that will break the surface like a rising whale! Kill it before it escapes the glass! :)
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