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Cranberry Gin And Tonic drink recipe

Cranberry Gin And Tonic drink recipe made with Cranberry juice,Gin,Ice,Lime juice,Tonic, . How to make a Cranberry Gin And Tonic with all the instructions and ingredients.
Recipe Rating: 3.1 stars based on 134 votes
Ingredients to use:
2 Cranberry juice Cranberry juice
2 Gin Gin
4 Ice Ice
1 Lime juice Lime juice
2 Tonic Tonic
These volume measurements may or may not be ideal to you, so feel free to adjust them according to taste. The lime, tonic, and cranberry cover the gin well, so I know you could add more gin if you care to without making the drink all nasty and stuff. I like to mix a big glass on a hot summer day, kick back, sip, and enjoy. I find the drink is smoother if you layer it. I usually pour a splash of tonic over ice, followed by a hefty lime splash, then the gin, then some cranberry juice, followed by another splash of gin and lime. I'm sure you'll figure out your own way of making it, though, it's not too scientific :)
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