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Cranberry Everpagne drink recipe

Cranberry Everpagne drink recipe made with Champagne,Cranberry juice,Grain Alcohol, . How to make a Cranberry Everpagne with all the instructions and ingredients.
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Ingredients to use:
6 Champagne Champagne
3 Cranberry juice Cranberry juice
4 Grain Alcohol Grain Alcohol
First, you need a normal glass and a shot glass. Pour the Champagne and Cranberry juice, to taste, into the glass. Pour a shot of Grain Alcohol (aka the Everclear) in the shot glass. This uses the same concept as a beer barrel, drop the shot into the glass and slam the entire drink before it has a chance to mix. Poof! Instant drunk. No bad taste. The carbonation makes the Grain Alcohol hit twice as fast as normal. Very cool drink.
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