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Cowboy Lemonade (Kansas City Style) drink recipe

Cowboy Lemonade (Kansas City Style) drink recipe made with Eggs,Tequila, . How to make a Cowboy Lemonade (Kansas City Style) with all the instructions and ingredients.
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Ingredients to use:
1 Eggs Eggs
1 Tequila Tequila
In a large container, cooler, tub, or bucket combine 14 12oz cans of inexpensive Light Beer, 4 cans of Frozen Lemonade (or other) Concentrate, and Vodka. Stir and then add ice. This drink packs an alcoholic kick but is actually a very smooth and enjoyable beverage. Knocks out 8 - 12 people. *Due to very high alcohol content, Vodka quantity can be reduced to 1L and then mixed with water.*
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