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Coquito Puerto Rican Coconut And Rum Drink drink recipe

Coquito Puerto Rican Coconut And Rum Drink drink recipe made with Cinnamon,Coconut Cream,Milk,Milk,Vanilla Extract, . How to make a Coquito Puerto Rican Coconut And Rum Drink with all the instructions and ingredients.
Recipe Rating: 3.8 stars based on 12 votes
Ingredients to use:
3 Cinnamon Cinnamon
14 Coconut Cream Coconut Cream
28 Milk Milk
3 Milk Milk
2 Vanilla Extract Vanilla Extract
In blender, combine coconut milk with egg yolks and blend well. Pour into saucepan and simmer until mixture slightly thickens. In blender combine remaining ingredients and blend, slowly adding coconut milk mixture. Pour back and fourth between sauce pan and blender to mix well, blending in between. Now, use empty sweetened & condensed milk can to measure three (3) cans of Bacardi*. Blend mixure well. Serve over ice. Enjoy *NOTE: You can substitute Bacardi with almost anything from wine to moonshine!
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